"Giving new life to old wood"

Thursday, April 29, 2004


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

It's hard being an adult sometimes. You try to do what is best and yet even then it comes off as childish and immature in someone's eyes. I guess sometimes it is impossible to please everyone all the time. That is one of my biggest flaws. I try to please too many and often forget the person #1....me. I know at first blow that might seem selfish, but in reality how you can you give yourself to another when you aren't really certain you have a handle on what you have to give. I know it sounds circular but in this case it is the truth.

I don't close doors and I don't burn bridges because I never know where fate will want to lead me. But for now, I am in the driver's seat. I will give fate the wheel again soon i am sure.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Ahh, the beach. Did exacty what I intended....got out in my chair with bottle of rum and cokes and ice and music and sat out there from 10am - 7pm. Good times.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Heading to the beach this weekend. Can't wait. I do love the beach. Ideally when i can just go and sit there and listen to the waves crach and not do anything but sip rum and coke and listen to music all day. I am debating whether or not to bring my Davinci Code book with me. I haven't started it yet, but since it is hardback I am afraid to get it messy at the beach. I have started a nice collection of books, many of which are hardback and I don't want to ruin this one. I guess I will just continue reading my paperback Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. It started off slow but it seems to be picking up now. Actually, what I ought to do is re-read Prisoner of Azkaban since it is coming out in the theater in 6 weeks. Can't wait. I am a Harry Potter junkie.

Song in my head - "Mandy" - Barry Manilow (yes, i know, i watched American Idol last night)

Monday, April 12, 2004

Oh, saw Phil pick up his first major on TV last night. Very exciting for him. I just knew he was going to win though, he had a smile on every hole all day long. Like he knew something the rest of us didn't. Oh yeah, and his wife is still hot.

I actually played golf on Saturday. Played decent. 38 on the front, one behind my friend Andy. Sort of collapsed on the back, 43. Andy somehow finished his 8th Mich Light and stroked in a 39 on the back and broke 80. First time i've seen him hold a round together. I think i usually bring him down. Spank broke 90 and was pleased. Sadly, our ruddy friend Blake, got his money's worth with three snake eyes. To add insult to injury, he also lost about $20 to the rest of us. Feeling bad i told him i'd buy him a drink. Hopefully that will keep him coming back out there for more:)

Bathroom counter was installed Friday. Love it. Installed the new sink and new faucets Sunday. Love them. Installed new medicine cabinet this evening and touched up the ceiling. Need to put in the new molding, re-touch up the wall paint and mop the floor and I should be good to go. I will post pics of the finished product hopefully by this weekend. Getting very excited about it though. I like new things. Or at least clean things:)

Thursday, April 08, 2004

So the bathroom is painted. Me likey. Just robbed Bed Bath& Beyond today for $200 on bathroom shite. Hopefully it will look like I am envisioning. If not, i have no problem with returning stuff. In fact, that is one way I actually shop. If I see something that might look good on me, or in my home, i typically will buy it, take it home and then just take if back if i don't like it. Stores have return policies just for that fact. No one else in my family has this ability. My mom in fact usually will buy crap that she thinks she will like, then get it home, hate it, and not have the courage to face the clerk at the store to say that their product just really wasn't what she was looking for. I mean, the high schooler at the register could really care less. Nothing to be ashamed of mom. So inevitably, she ends up pawning this junk on her kids. (see: fiberglass stone-like mirror hanging in the corner of my bedroom)

Of course, i guess I am a sucker for actually saying, "Sure, i am sure I could use that wrought iron shelving outside somewhere." It is tossed in a storage bin in the yard taking up precious garden tool space.

C'est la vie.

Song in my head: "Just Another Day" - Paul McCartney Such a good song!

Friday, April 02, 2004

I am remodeling my bathroom. Nothing i love more than to have things looking neat and clean and in their place. I'll admit i am a little OCD that way. Therfore, once the bathroom is done and everything is back in place and looking like it is straight out of a magazine I will be happy. As for now, there is paint cans and moulding and nails and sandpaper and wall board compound and everything else cluttering up my bathroom. It is a disaster and each time i go in there i get a little woosy because it is just so cluttered. Nothing I can do about it i guess. The counter gets installed next week so it should be smooth sailing next weekend. Wish me luck this week though.

Song in my head: "Take me home tonight" - Eddie Money (heard it at trivia on Wed and it keeps popping back into my head.