"Giving new life to old wood"

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Ice/snow storm here last night. High winds knocked the power out no less than 6 times. Each time there was this sonic boom outside my window that seemed to scare someone to death (note. the "someone" was not me) Needless to say it was a little slow getting into the office this morning. Snow/Ice on roads + Atlanta drivers= idiots galore.

Found out last Friday night that Golden Tee 2005 has come to Atlanta. It is at Smith's Olde Bar. Heaven.

Was out with the girlfriend and her sister and some other folks I didn't know when I decided to retreat to the restroom. While walking to the restroom I did my usual survey the scene to see if anyone was playing. Like a beacon from above light shone down on the glorious well lit GOLDEN TEE 2005 signage. So i beelined to the machine to check out the new screenshots. Now, I only only been gone for a minute and was supposed to be going to the restroom. But this was a concert night at Smiths and it was pretty crowded so who would've known how long it shoudl've taken me to use the restroom. Plus everyone was chatting away back at the table anyway and probably wouldn't miss me. So i threw my dollar in a played a quick 3 holes. Heaven. Tougher holes. Stronger winds. Larger slopes on the greens. This was going to take a while to master. But the three holes were over and I sooooo contemplated tossing in another $3 for the full 18 but I did have to use the restroom and they might start to wonder where I had been. So Tee 2005 would have to wait another day......and that was all it would have to wait because I rounded up a foursome on Saturday and hit the links once again.

Song in my head: "Come Downstairs and Say Hello" - Guster

Monday, February 16, 2004

Are you an artist?

Song in my head: "The Luckiest" - Ben Folds

Apologies for last weeks ramblings. I have been thinking way too much lately. Can get kind of dorky. I want to travel back in time. And invent things but then name them after the real inventors in the future. That way, i can still be the cool guy who invented all these great tools and machines but then didn't disrupt the future too much by naming eveything after myself. I think I would want to harness electricity first. The easiest way I though would be to make a battery

Song in my head since last night at Team Trivia: "Tin Man" - America

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So I took the Death Test today. Inspired by Ben. June 16, 2016 aparently is when I retreat to that icy underworld or the no doubtedly too warm for me place in the sky. Actually, now that I think of it...no matter which way you go up or down, so long as you keep going that direction you will get both hot and cold.

Let me explain.

Say you were to go to "Heaven". Ok, presumably that is located just north of UP. If one were to travel UP they would be getting farther away from the earth and the radiating heat source, therefore getting cold. I know this because there is frost on my window whenever I fly at 30000 feet. Now, if you were to continue moving UP you would enter the Earth's atmosphere which apparently is very hot and causes you to sing very loudly (ca John Glenn). So after making it through the Earth's atmosphere is it extremely cold again. You have to wear protective suits and everything. Once in space it seems ineveitable you will head for the closet star (ie The Sun. Which looks pretty hot. So having gone only to the center or our solar system we have had 6 temperature changes just to get there.

Now on to Hades. Your warm body dies and turns cold(early summer 2061 in my case). As is tradition in most civilized countries they will bury you 6 feet under. It is cold underground. No sunlight to keep you warm. Get's colder the further you go. Until all of a sudden it starts to get hot. The center of the earth is molten liquid, presumably. Continuing to travel trhough the earth you would start to cool down once you get nearer the surface on the other side of the Earth and come out somewhere in China of course. Then you would continue on in the same path as the heaven-bound folks and off to the center of the universe.

Moral of the story: I guess we all end up in the same place. Some folks just take a little bit longer to get there. And don't have any ethereal music to enjoy on the way.

Song in my head: "If I Can't Change Your Mind" - Sugar

Monday, February 09, 2004

Played Golden Tee Friday at lunch. Played Golden Tee Saturday while watching the Tech game. Played 3 holes of Golden Tee while waiting for the Punchline to open it's doors for their late night comedy show. On the Sabbath he rested. Played Golden Tee at lunch today.

Moral of the story: I need to look into investing in a refurbished machine and my putting still sucks on right to left putts.

On the upside, i think i am developing a nice patch of thick scar tissue in my lower palm excellent for those long drives.

Song in my head: "From Me To You" - Beatles

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Hi again. Our email exchange server is down at work. There is nothing worse than for a guy who lives by his Outlook inbox at work to not have email access. This blows. It has been down for two days now. I almost just wish it would never come back now. I can only imagine the size of my inbox with requests from people.

Meanwhile....back to my Yahoo pool game.

FYI: I love music and I always seem to have some song in my head. If not directly (ie. me singing a song), then definately at the forefront (ie. humming a tune in my head). Now I love nearly all types of music. Old, new, fast, slow, loud and soft. Anyways, point is, I thought I would share just what is playing in my head.

Random Song In My Head: "Surrey With the Fringe On Top"

Don't ask.

Thought of a great idea for a new guilty pleasure snack food today. People like chocolate. People like potato chips. (Pringles are my favorite). Why not dip Pringles or the like in chocolate? Satisfies not only your sweet tooth but also your salt cravings. Much like chocolate and peanut butter do. These would be great concession snacks. At the theater. Served frozen/chilled at the ball park. Possibilities are endless. I am not sure if I am helping abate America's obesity problems but I sure think I could make something fatter....my wallet.

Think about it.