"Giving new life to old wood"

Monday, August 16, 2004

Sidenote.....has anyone watched a swimming event? The color commentator is ridiculous. As soon as the race begins his voice decible level increases 10 points with every 10 meters. By the time the race ends his voice is nothing more than an inaudible curdiling scream. There is such thing as intensity and obnoxiousness. He has got to go. Also, if he mentions to the audience that we should remember that Michael Phelps is only 19 he should be shot. I believe the running tally i ended on yesterday was 12.

I have a problem. I have never been an overly sensitive person. Growing up I was called a little stoic. However, in the past few years I have experienced feelings of elation, disappointment, happiness, sadness, anger, and even fear. The reason i bring this up is because I watched about 10 hours of Olympic coverage this weekend and found myself tearing up at the end of nearly every race. It didn't matter whether it was the gold medal final or the first heat of 6 in the women's 8 rowing. Maybe it's the music. Maybe it's Bob Costas. Maybe it's the heartwarming vignettes about the homeless athletes who are living the dream. Either way, i have been having to push back the tears so the Girl doesn't think i am a wuss.

Song in my head - "Olympic theme song" - Anon

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Friday, August 06, 2004
