"Giving new life to old wood"

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So I took the Death Test today. Inspired by Ben. June 16, 2016 aparently is when I retreat to that icy underworld or the no doubtedly too warm for me place in the sky. Actually, now that I think of it...no matter which way you go up or down, so long as you keep going that direction you will get both hot and cold.

Let me explain.

Say you were to go to "Heaven". Ok, presumably that is located just north of UP. If one were to travel UP they would be getting farther away from the earth and the radiating heat source, therefore getting cold. I know this because there is frost on my window whenever I fly at 30000 feet. Now, if you were to continue moving UP you would enter the Earth's atmosphere which apparently is very hot and causes you to sing very loudly (ca John Glenn). So after making it through the Earth's atmosphere is it extremely cold again. You have to wear protective suits and everything. Once in space it seems ineveitable you will head for the closet star (ie The Sun. Which looks pretty hot. So having gone only to the center or our solar system we have had 6 temperature changes just to get there.

Now on to Hades. Your warm body dies and turns cold(early summer 2061 in my case). As is tradition in most civilized countries they will bury you 6 feet under. It is cold underground. No sunlight to keep you warm. Get's colder the further you go. Until all of a sudden it starts to get hot. The center of the earth is molten liquid, presumably. Continuing to travel trhough the earth you would start to cool down once you get nearer the surface on the other side of the Earth and come out somewhere in China of course. Then you would continue on in the same path as the heaven-bound folks and off to the center of the universe.

Moral of the story: I guess we all end up in the same place. Some folks just take a little bit longer to get there. And don't have any ethereal music to enjoy on the way.

Song in my head: "If I Can't Change Your Mind" - Sugar


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